A Pilates body is the result of learning how to unite mind and muscle in the exercises as Joseph Pilates intended - with exactness, precision and flowing motion.
To accomplish this and not merely “muscle” your way through the exercises, it simply means that you must be assisted to your desired results under the watchful eye and guiding hands of a Specialized and Certified Pilates Trainer.
The Center for Mind Body Fitness offers a variety of training options. Your personal goals, present health status and/or doctor’s exercise prescription, schedule allowances and level of commitment will determine which of the following plans (or combination of plans) are best for you.
With the exception of THE MAT CLASS, all plans listed will be instructed on the apparatus.
The Preferred Plan
Working One-on-One with a Trainer is the fastest and most thorough means by which you will come to know The Method. You will advance up throught the five levels and experience the exercise repertoire on all of the apparatus. Also, this plan is a must for the individual on a specific exercise prescription from their doctor, physical therapist or other medical professional.
Single Sesssion..................................................................................….......................$75
8 Sessions (@ $65.) 2 sessions / week 1 month expiration..............................$560
l2 Sessions (@ $60.) 3 sessions / week 1 month expiration.............................$780
20 Sessions (@ $55.) 2-3 sessions / week 8-week expiration.......................$1200
The Para-body fees
Once the individual has achieved a “working” knowledge of The Method and can execute basic exercises with acceptable skill, they can be paired in “two’s” under the guidance of a Trainer. Similar fitness objectives and health status will be a consideration in pairing up individuals. You will have the opportunity to advance on the Reformer and experience some of the upper levels of The Method.
Single Session ( / person).............................................................................................$55
8 Sessions (@ $45 / person ) 2 sessions / week l month expiration.................$360 |
The Tri-body fees
Three clients whose fitness levels and schedules match can work with a trainer
Single Session (/ person..)…….……………………………………………....................…$45
8-sessions@$40. / person, 2 sessions / week…………..…..............………………….$320
Apprentice Program
As a nationally recognized Certification Center, Apprentice Trainers (with no less than 2 years experience) are available at reduced fees.
Single Session......………………………………………..................……….........……$45-$65
Para-body or Tri-body fees alter accordingly
Specialized fees
Lonna’s fees and staff physical therapists
Single Sessin.……………………………………………..............………………………...$85*
*Packages available at a discount
The Reformer Class
1 class / week......…………………………………………………………….....................….$37
2 classes / week (1 month expiration @ $32 / session...…………..............………......$256
The Start-up
For the individual who chooses to do One-on-One, Para-body and/or Self-supervised sessions, it is required that you schedule a complete Assessment and Evaluation. This session includes: Health/Medical Profile, Fitness Assessment Tests, Posture Analysis and Anatomical Orientation in The Method.
By appointment (1 1/2 hours...........................................fees vary with each individual
The Mat Class
Prerequiste: A minimum of no less than eight One-on-One sessions with a Trainer. These sessions will be a combination of theory and practicum on the Reformer, Cadillac and Wunda Chair so that your Mat Class will be the mind/body experience that is truly the work of Joseph Pilates.
For the individual who decides to do The Mat Class as a sole means to accomplish their fitness goals, it is recommended that you periodically schedule a One-on-One session with a Trainer to enable you to feel the mat exercises more intrinsically and to experience another dimension of The Pilates Method. These sessions will be on all of the apparatus.
1 Mat Class Session ......................................................................................…...…...$25
Mat Class Series (6 classes, 6-week expiration).…...……….………........…….$125 |
The Center believes that everyone and every body would greatly benefit from The Pilates Method. It’s life changing! Therefore, the Center wants to make the Pilates assessable to everyone regardless of their locality, personal financial status and/or physical limitations.
Two options are available for learning Pilates:
1) Pilates-To-Go “take out”
A client is invited to come in for one-on-one sessions designed for “take out.”
The Pilates concepts are taught using portable exercise accessories that will “mimic” some of what can be done on the equipment. . In this way the client can do their exercise in their own home or office. Stretch bands, stability devices and foam rollers are used and are available for purchase from our boutique.
These sessions are customized per need and objective. Session can be scheduled as needed and requested.
Personal Sessions / hour …..................................................................................................$80
Sessions are scheduled from one hour and up.
2) Pilates-To-Go “house calls”
Stay home, we’ll come to you. If circumstances are such that a person chooses to workout at their home/office or is unable to travel, The Center provides training in The Pilates Method off-site. Our trainers are equipped with Pilates accessories allowing them to teach anywhere. The Center can also provide the client with suggestions as to purchasing smaller more portable pieces of Pilates equipment as well as a full line of professional equipment.
The Center “re-cycles” its equipment and often sells its equipment to clients who wish to work in the privacy of their own home.
Session fee: Base fee of $80. / hour plus additional fee for travel time, distance and length of
the session.
Center Policies
Sessions are payable in advance and must be used within the designated period of time from date of purchase. All cancellations or changes must be within a 24-hour period. Sessions are non-refundable and non-transferable. Thank you. |